By 12 Aprile 2016 0 Comments

Initialization failed – no exchange servers are available


Initialization failed. The following error occurred while searching for the on-premises Exchange server: No Exchange servers are available in any Active Directory sites. You can’t connect to remote Powershell on a computer that only has the Management Tools role installed. It was running the command ‘Discover-ExchangeServer -UseWIA $true -SuppressError $true -CurrentVersion ‘Version 14.1 (Build 218.15)”.

fate attenzione a questo errore perchè spesso è di risoluzione semplicissima.
State accedendo come Administrator “locale” e non come utente appartenente al dominio.
E’ necessario accedere con un utente che sia membro del gruppo “Organization Management”

Organization Managemen

Initialization failed, Initialization failed Exchange, Initialization failed

Posted in: Exchange

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