Axigen Mailserver – Remote pop3 connector Time Setting
Il Remote pop3 connector di Axigen, di default, è impostato per scaricare la posta da account Pop3 ogni 10 minuti.
Per ridurre questo tempo, attenersi alla guida seguente :
1. Log into the webadmin interface, using the “admin” account.
2. From the “Domains & Accounts” context, open the “Manage Domains” page.
3. Click the “Edit” button next to the domain you need to configure.
4. In the “Account Defaults” tab, go to the bottom of the “Restrictions” section.
5. Under Remote POP, select the maximum number of RPOP accounts that can be configured and the minimum query interval allowed.
NOTE: These settings represent per account values. If you set the maximum number of RPOP accounts to 4 (default), each user account in that domain will be able to set up 4 RPOP accounts.
6. Click the “Save Configuration” button to make the configuration permanent.
Axigen Mailserver Remote pop3 connector Time Setting, Remote pop3 Axigen, Tempo Remote pop3 Axigen, Setting time Axigen Remote pop3
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